- Upcoming Classes
January 16 - Tax Preparation for Service Members
February 6 - Identity Theft and Scams: Prevention to Recovery Class
March 6 - Credit Management Class
April 3 - Smart Car Buying Class
May 1 - Budgeting and Money Management
March 20 - Setting and Meeting Financial Goals
April 17 - Investing & Retirement Basics
June 12 - Tax Preparation for Service Members
July 17 - Identity Theft and Scams: Prevention to Recovery Class
August 14 - Credit Management Class
September 4 - Setting and Meeting Financial Goals
October 2 - Smart Car Buying Class
October 16 - Investing & Retirement Basics
- In/Out-Processing (Money Management) Class
All In-Processing Soldiers E1-E6 / O1-O3 / WO1-WO2 must complete the required in-person Money Management in-processing briefing which covers topics to help improve your personal money management skills, as well as your leadership skills relating to the financial readiness of the Soldiers and Families in your Unit. All Soldiers E1-E4 / O1-O3 / WO1-WO2 must also fulfill the mandatory DoD requirement to complete a Permanent Change of Station (PCS) Milestone Class within 60 days of their PCS. Soldiers have 2 options for completing this requirement:
- Attend the Money Management and PCS Milestone class in-person every Wednesday at 1300 in the ACS Auditorium at Building 7. Both parts of the requirement will be offered If you attend in-person. We will clear you and furnish a PCS Milestone certificate upon completion.
- Attend the Money Management class in-person every Wednesday at 1300 in the ACS Auditorium at Building 7. If you have completed the PCS Milestone training on-line or in-person at your last duty station and you can furnish your certificate proving your attendance, you will only be required to attend the first portion of the session. To access the online PCS Milestone training, use the following link: https://www.financialfrontline.org/soldiers/
- Under AFWP Online Learning, select the banner “Click here to earn your certificate of completion.”
- When you access the portal website, scroll down the list of courses, and choose “Permanent Change of Station (PCS)” under Financial Readiness Touchpoints
- Enroll in and take the course (approximately 45 minutes to complete).
- Bring your saved/printed certificate to the in-person class, and you can choose to be excused after the first session.
All Out-Processing Soldiers E1-E4 / O1-O3 / WO1-WO2 must complete the PCS Milestone training within 60 days of their PCS move. You have the option of attending the class in-person during the regularly scheduled session (Wednesdays at 1 p.m. in Building 7), or you can complete the online PCS Milestone Training. If you choose to complete the training online, please see the instructions under “Option 2” above. After you have completed the class, please save/print your certificate and e-mail it to ACS-FRPBenning@army.mil or bring it to ACS/FRP (Building 7) in-person, so we can clear you for the out-processing requirement.
Technical Support: If you have technical difficulties, you will need to contact the portal help desk at https://www.armyfamilywebportal.com/contact . ACS/FRP staff cannot resolve technical issues with the web-based training.
- About Financial Readiness
We offer:
- Financial Readiness Program (FRP). FRP provides comprehensive educational and counseling programs in personal financial readiness. The program covers indebtedness, consumer advocacy and protection, money management, credit, financial planning, insurance, and consumer issues. Other services offered include mandatory financial literacy, financial planning for transitioning Soldiers, financial counseling for deployed Soldiers and their Families, and the Department of Defense Family Subsistence Supplemental Allowance Program.
- Army Emergency Relief (AER). AER is the US Army's own nonprofit organization dedicated to alleviating financial distress in the force. AER provides grants and zero-interest loans to active-duty and retired Soldiers and their Families. AER has supported over 4 million Soldiers since 1942. AER offices are conveniently located at installations around the world. Visit ArmyEmergencyRelief.org to learn more.
- Online Support and Education. Go to Financial Frontline for self-service financial literacy education and help.
Here are some other financial resources for Soldiers and their Families:
- Blended Retirement System. The Blended Retirement System (BRS) combines elements of the legacy retirement system with benefits similar to those offered in many civilian 401(k) plans. Get smart on retirement benefits with the Army Retirement Services Office and Joint Knowledge Online Training.
- Financial Readiness Affiliates
(Government Links)
- Thrift Savings Plan (TSP). The TSP is a federal government-sponsored retirement savings and investment plan available to both federal civilian employees and members of the uniformed services. The TSP offers the same type of savings and tax benefits that many private corporations offer their employees under 401(k) plans. The retirement income a TSP account provides will depend on working-year contributions and the earnings on those contributions. Learn more at the official Thrift Savings Plan website.
- Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB). The CFPB makes markets for consumer financial products and services work for Americans — whether they are applying for a mortgage, choosing among credit cards, or using any number of other consumer financial products. The CFPB gives consumers the information they need to understand the terms of their agreements with financial companies. Learn more about the CFPB, visit the CFPB on-demand forum and tools website, or order free CFPB publications.
(Non-Government Links, No Endorsement Implied)
- Better Business Bureau (BBB) Military Line. The BBB Military Line provides free resources to our military communities in the areas of financial literacy and consumer protection through the efforts of 112 BBBs across the US. Visit the BBB Military Line to learn more.
- Consumer and Financial Education
Classes are offered on a variety of topics and may be taught at ACS, units or other locations. Classes are provided weekly: First Termers’ Personal Financial Readiness Training, required for E4 and below; Pre-Move Financial Planning, required for E4 and below but open to anyone interested. Schedule a class for your unit, FRG or organization at least two weeks in advance.
- Financial Counseling/Debt Liquidation
Individual assistance is available to improve financial situations for Soldiers and their families. Debt liquidation assistance may be available. Free financial counseling, contract review and budget development are available. When debt liquidation is necessary, we, or one of our partner organizations, will work with your creditors to reduce interest rates and payment amounts to develop an affordable repayment plan. The first step is to attend the Financial Counseling Intake by scheduling a one-on-one appointment with a Financial Counselor.
- Consumer Complaint Resolution Assistance
Counselors are available by appointment to assist in resolving consumer issues with businesses. Financial counselors work with Soldiers, family members and the business in question to resolve the issue. Complaints are coordinated through the Better Business Bureau, Federal Trade Commission, and the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. When a pattern of discriminatory or unscrupulous business practices is identified, the matter is raised to the Armed Forces Disciplinary Control Board, which may recommend a business be put off-limits to Soldiers.
- Financial Readiness Classes
To join each of these classes on TEAMS, click here.
Major Purchases Class | 1 – 3 p.m. | ACS Auditorium, Building 7
The Financial Readiness Program offers a free ‘Major Purchases Class.’ " Thinking about making a Major Purchase? Learn how to analyze the financial implications and identify strategies for financing a major purchase. Don’t miss this opportunity to prepare for making a major purchase the smart way.
Thrift Savings Plan (TSP) For Civilians | 1 – 3 p.m. | ACS Auditorium, Building 7
The Financial Readiness Program (FRP) offers a free ‘Thrift Savings Plan for Civilians’ class! Are you leaving free money on the table? This training focuses on TSP for FERS and CSRS employees. Topics include TSP basics, contribution limits and matching funds, benefits to TSP vs IRA’s, TSP loans, rollovers & withdrawal options, as well as the different TSP funds available. We will also introduce you to the Government & Retirement Benefits (GRB) Platform and discuss the steps to start investing today! Don’t miss this opportunity to learn about your TSP.
Investing & Retirement Basics | 1 – 3 p.m. | ACS Auditorium
The Financial Readiness Program offers a free ‘Investing and Retirement Basics’ class! Have you maximized your retirement plan? Would you like to prepare for a worry-free retirement on your own terms? No matter when you plan to retire, make sure your finances will cover the lifestyle you want to have. Topics include basic investing, general details about Stocks, Bonds, and IRAs, Thrift Savings Plan (TSP) basics and financial goal setting/achievement. This class also covers risk tolerance and investment strategies to achieve long- and short-term financial goals. Don’t miss this opportunity to learn how to prepare for your future retirement.
Budgeting and Money Management | 1-3 p.m. | ACS Auditorium
The Financial Readiness Program offers a free ‘Budgeting and Money Management’ class! You’ve earned your paycheck, and the Financial Readiness Program can show you ways to make the most of it. Learn to manage your money and create a spending plan to help you reach your financial goals. Don’t miss this opportunity to learn how to manage your money for financial success.
Home Buying Seminar | 1 – 3 p.m. | ACS Auditorium, Building 7
The Financial Readiness Program offers a free ‘Home Buying Seminar’! Back by popular demand, our ‘Home Buying Seminar’ will cover the home buying process including information on how to decide when it is the right time to buy, how to qualify for a mortgage, the importance of home inspections and more. Speakers from the VA, Mortgage and Banking industry and personal finance will cover VA loan basics and the mortgage application and qualification process and saving to purchase a home. Don’t miss this great opportunity to ensure you make sound decisions when buying a house!
- 2025 Milestone Monday Classes
Join us from 1 – 2 p.m. on MS TEAMS for “Milestone Monday.” These classes are designed to increase your knowledge of each of the Common Military Training (CMT) Milestones: Pre-Deployment, Post-Deployment, Marriage, PCS, Divorce, Vesting in the TSP, Promotion, First Child, Continuation Pay, and Disabling Sickness or Condition. The CMT Milestones cover various life events you may encounter during your military career that require “MANDATORY” Financial training/counseling. All classes are held on MS Teams, except PCS Milestone class which is held in the ACS Auditorium every Wednesday from 2 – 3 p.m.
Please call us at +1 (706) 545-4043 for more information.
- Pre-Deployment Financial Preparation: This training addresses income & tax changes, military benefits, insurance, estate/retirement planning, and other financial considerations before deployment. Additional topics include credit basics, SCRA protections and how to prevent ID theft. This training is valid for 3 years. G09-COM-0003
- Class Dates: March 10, May 12, July 21 and September 29
- Prepare Finances for Return from Deployment: This training includes income, tax, insurance, and estate planning changes that may need to be addressed upon returning from deployment. This training is valid for 3 years. G09-COM-0004
- Class Dates: March 17, May 19, July 28 and October 6
- Vesting in The Thrift Savings Plan (TSP): Better understand the vesting process for the Thrift Savings Plan (TSP). Learn how to manage your TSP account, update beneficiaries, and weigh current contributions against additional financial considerations. G09-COM-0005
- Class Dates: March 24, June 2, August 4, September 1 and October 20
- Continuation Pay under The Blended Retirement System (BRS): During this course, you will learn the components of Continuation Pay (a one-time, mid-career bonus), potential tax implications, the importance of updating your spending plan and how to protect yourself from scams and fraud. G09-COM-0006
- Class Dates: February 17, March 31, May 26, June 9, August 11 and October 27
- Financial Preparation for Marriage: Learn the “how-to” in communicating family values and setting goals together as a couple. We will discuss how habits or attitudes influence your actions and decisions regarding money. Learn about changes to taxes, income, benefits, insurance, retirement, and estate plans. G09-COM-0007
- Class Dates: January 27, April 7, June 16, August 18 and November 3
- Preparing for Divorce: Don’t let separation/divorce wreck your financial health. We provide tools necessary to make informed decisions reduce the stress and financial uncertainty associated with divorce as we discuss topics such as taxes, income changes, credit, debt, and the implications of divorce on retirement programs. G09-COM-0008
- Class Dates: February 3, April 14, June 23, August 25 and November 17
- Welcoming Your New Child: Whether you are having a baby, adopting, or becoming a stepparent through marriage, this course will help you organize your finances efficiently and prepare you for the changes that come with your growing family. G09-COM-0009
- Class Dates: February 10, April 21, June 30 and September 8
- Prepare Finances for a Disabling Sickness or Condition: Are you or a family member facing a disabling sickness/condition or are caring for aging parents? We discuss tax changes, insurance options and benefits, estate planning basics and adjusting spending and savings plans. Learn ways to manage stress through financial preparation as you work through your life changes. G09-COM-00010
- Class Dates: February 24, April 28, July 7, September 15 and November 10
- Congratulations! You’re Getting Promoted: Understand the upcoming changes to your income, how it affects TSP contributions, and options to best address your debt and savings with the additional funds. G09-COM-00011
- Class Dates: January 13, March 3, May 5, July 14, September 22 and October 13
- Pre-Deployment Financial Preparation: This training addresses income & tax changes, military benefits, insurance, estate/retirement planning, and other financial considerations before deployment. Additional topics include credit basics, SCRA protections and how to prevent ID theft. This training is valid for 3 years. G09-COM-0003
- Financial Frontline Training
The Army’s Financial Readiness program is a military life-cycle-based financial education and counseling program to bolster a Soldiers’ financial fitness and support Soldiers and Families throughout their military careers. As a Soldier, you will face many changes in your military career such as:
- Marriage
- First Child
- PCS moves
- Pre/post deployment
- Promotion
- Vesting in the TSP
- Divorce
- Disabling conditions
- Entitlement to continuation pay
Your finances can remain steady through every milestone, with proper planning. The Army’s Financial Readiness Program is here to help! The Financial Frontline training course offers financial education and counseling to secure a solid financial future for Soldiers and their families.
Information and mandatory training are accessible at https://www.financialfrontline.org/.
- Permanent Change of Station (PCS) Move
Learn how to optimize your resources and plan your upcoming move without busting your budget! This training satisfies the Common Military Training requirement for PCS for Soldiers in pay grades E1-E4 /O1-O3/WO1-WO2. G09-COM-0002.
Join us every Wednesday 2-3 p.m. in the ACS Auditorium.
Want to take charge of your finances? The Army's Financial Readiness Program (FRP) and Consumer Advocacy Services can help with comprehensive educational and counseling programs. Learn about debt, consumer advocacy and protection, money management, credit, financial planning, insurance, and consumer issues. Through classroom training and individual counseling, participants can learn how to save and invest money, establish savings goals, eliminate debt, and save for emergencies.