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Fun Archery Tag Games

Note: This event has already passed.

Interested in trying something new? Join Outdoor Recreation as we introduce the new, fun game of Archery Tag! This game is a fun twist on dodgeball, paintball and archery. Instead of dodging balls and shooting paintballs, you will be shooting foam-tip arrows at the opposing team to eliminate them. Meet us Saturday, June 5, from 9 a.m. to noon at the Campbell King Horse Bowl near the intersection of 10th Division Road and Anderson Street. For only $8 per person, participants will receive access to all the equipment, target practice time and multiple game plays. Ages 10 and up are welcome. Open to all ID Cardholders. Visit to register, or call Outdoor Recreation at 706-545-7978.


Q: What is Archery Tag?

A: The game of archery tag is a mix of dodgeball, paintball and archery with players hitting each other with non-lethal arrows to score points or eliminate opposing team members.

Q: Who can play?

A: Archery Tag is open to anyone age 10 and up who can draw the bow.


Q: Is it safe?

A: Yes, Archery Tag is safe. The gameplay is intense, yet safe for participants.

Q: Do the arrows hurt when you’re hit?

A: Depending where you’re hit and your pain tolerance level, there is virtually no pain.

Q: Is it easy to learn?


Q: How many people are on a team?

A: We can accommodate up to 20 people per team. There will be two teams.

Q: What should I wear?

A: Please wear comfortable clothing and dress for the weather.


$8 per person

Outdoor Recreation and Equipment Rental